Project: Metabob AI

Metabob Web Animation

We were having a problem with people not immediately understanding what our product did from looking at our website. Words weren't cutting it, still images couldn't quite capture what we did, so I created this animation in after effects and converted it to the Lottie web animation format.
Dashboard mockup
Project: Metabob AI

Metabob Web App

This is an overview of The metabob app I designed from scratch. Below you can see the first iteration of the interface, before we even built out anything. Many iterations later we got to what you see in this video.
Dashboard mockup
Project: Gift App

Gift app
(skip to 30 seconds)

This is the video for my senior design project. I motion tracked a screen recording of the prototype I created over the phone, and I had to re-enact all the button presses to make the video believable. I also created all the animations in the transitions from scratch.
Project: Kromakicks


This was the kickstarter video for the product I built from scratch along with some of friends.
Project: Artisense

Company Video (2017)

This video was used as an onboarding video for Artisense. This video was necessary because we were finding the topic of SLAM was too complicated to explain over other means. I had to come up with the entire script, get the best looking footage from the scientists, and edit the video.

Funny story, 2 years after leaving the company, the next time I visited, everyone knew my name because of this video.