Step 1: Post product on reddit and get feedback

The first step I posted a video of myself going over a screen recording of my figma design. Both of these posts received quite a bit of engagement, but these are only 2 of the successful ones out of the 10 other posts I made. Posting on reddit to get feedback is a numbers game.

I received about 200 comments from these posts, here are two examples:

Step 2: import feedback from reddit and organize feedback

In order to make it easy to sort through the data, I downloaded all of the comments from the posts in a csv format (a lot of googling) and then imported it into miro as a bunch of post-it notes.

I then had a bunch of unsorted feedbacks, so made categories, and skimmed them one by one, and sorted them.

For the purposes of planning out which features we needed to create, the product market fit and feature requests categories of feedback were extremely useful.

Step 3: Organize feedback into feature categories

In this section, I created a bunch of potential feature categories and sorted the feedback once again. Throughout the project I added more features I came up with to this list.

Step 4: Organize features by market segment

I used the product market fit feedback to make 4 categories of potential target markets this product could add value too, and then I sorted all of the user suggested features, as well as the ones I added, into this venn diagram.

This step was extremely important, because it helped us identify which features in the center which added value to all the market segments.

We took these features it the center and then re-sorted those in the following steps.

Step 5: Prioritize features

To prioritize which features to develop first, I did a Bang-For-Your-Buck analysis of each of the features from the center of the venn diagram above.

As a designer, I knew my estimates of how much effort each feature would take to develop wouldn't be completely accurate, so I then sat down with my lead developer, and we re-evaluated each of them using my draft as a starting point. We also drew arrows to other features to signify development dependencies.

This gave us a birds eye view of which features we should tackle first. The top left of the diagram is the features that added the most value for the least amount of cost to develop.

We then re-sorted this view into the tidier cost/benefit analysis diagram.

This gave us a really clear view of our top priorities. We then took these and then added a timeline to these features in the form of a roadmap.

Step 6: Add priority features to roadmap

We then sat down again and decided which features should be created when.

Step 7: Create MVP wireframe based on roadmap

Lastly, based on our roadmap, I created this wireframe, and this served as our north star during development.


This process I created gave my team the ability to give input in every step of the way, and gave my team the confidence that we covered all of our bases for possible directions we could go in, and that we chose the right path.